qGo icon

Translating qGo

How does it work?


The Qt library offers an easy-to-use and powerful translation mechanism.

If you want to translate qGo to your language, first of all send me an email and tell me which language you want to do.
Should your language already been in work, this will save you quite some time.

Then I will email you a file with all english texts and empty translation strings.
The file will be something like qgo_de.ts
You can edit this file manually, but this will be painsome. Qt offers a nice tool called Linguist to assist in this process.
Linguist is available as sourcecode for download at trolltechs ftp archive.
If you have any problem to compile the linguist, or are on Windows and cannot compile it yourself, I will send you the program.

Next you edit the .ts file with linguist (or any editor if you want to go the painful way).
The first time this will be quite some work. Do not underestimate the required time. I spent several hours on the german translation.

While editing, you can at any time do a 'Release' with Linguist, that will give you a file like qgo_de.qm
Copy this file into the translations directory of your qGo installation and start qGo with language settings fitting to your new translation.
On Linux do (for example): export LANG=de
This way you can check your translation during the process.
Basically, you can see the .ts files as "sources" and the .qm files as "binaries", sort of. The conversion from .ts to .qm is done with a tool called lrelease, which is included in linguist (you just click on a menu item "Release" and the rest is done automatically). If you want to preview your translation, but do not use linguist, you need the lrelease tool.
But I recommand to just use linguist, it is very powerful and easy to use.

When done with the translation, email the .ts file back to me. I will add it to the next release.
You don't need to send me the .qm file, I will produce that locally from the .ts file myself.

As qGo will have further releases that will require new translations, I will ask you to continue translating the new texts for each release. Unlike the first translation, this will not be very much work, so you can do this quickly.
I will email you the updated .ts file for your language before a release, you edit it and send it back to me for the release. It would require you do this within approximately a week. But this won't be much work.

If you have questions or want to do a translation, you are welcome to send me an email.

You can find detailed documentation about Internationalization with Qt in the documentation.

Maintained translations

Emmanuel Beranger, Johannes Mesa and Peter Strempel
Last modified: 29 March 2008